Henry Ford said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” An SEO campaign may be moderately successful and you will learn nothing. It may fail but the learning you gain could be invaluable.
In this article, I will identify the main reasons why an SEO campaign fails. This is not a definitive list, but get these 5 things right and high search engine rankings should follow.
Read on to learn 5 reasons why your SEO campaign failed.
1. Poor Goal Setting
The SMART approach to goal setting states that goals should be:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Timely
This acronym is as true about goal setting for SEO as for other business and personal goals.
Without clear goals set prior to the campaign, it’s easy to find that down the road different expectations emerge and talk of failure starts. Clear realistic expectations, based on research and understanding of your industry and market set you up for success.
2. Not Enough Time And Money
How much time you give before you decide whether to declare the campaign a failure or success can make a huge difference. It’s not possible to have immediate results with minimal investment in money or effort. If you’re in a competitive industry and you’re competing for similar territory, then it will take time and investment to win.
3. Wrong Keywords
Having the right keywords is critical to the success of your SEO strategy. If your keywords have been selected without researching them with customers or users you are setting yourself up for failure. The keywords are called “key” for a reason.
Analysis of keyword data will identify the words your customers are searching for and help you avoid mistakes. Don’t spend good money and time on a guess about keyword usage.
4. Poor Website Design And Content
A website that does not engage customers or users might be visited but not convert visitors into buyers. The user experience should include all of the following:
- Clear navigation
- The right amount of white space
- Effective site search
- Easy to read format
- Smooth and rapid page loading
Content needs to be about stuff your customers value. Address needs they have. Answers questions they need answering.
Consider having content specialists providing research-based professional-standard content. Have content that works together with your SEO strategy rather than detracts from it.
5. Failure to Measure Performance Continuously
Measuring SEO effectiveness at the end of the campaign is a missed opportunity. Track performance throughout the campaign and make adjustments as you learn what works and what doesn’t.
If conversions are good but rankings are not then put effort into increasing your traffic. If traffic is good but conversions are poor then examine keyword choice and website design or content.
Learn From Your SEO Campaign Failures
If you’ve examined your campaign and discovered you have made one or more of these errors the important thing is not to throw good money after bad. Make the required adjustments.
One way of doing this is to hire a proven SEO company. Partner with a competent SEO service that understands your industry and can balance your budget with effective SEO.
To learn more about how you can have successful SEO click here.
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